Matthew 25

  1. 2. The third servant was called .....
  2. 3. The wise went into the marriage .....
  3. 5. Each servant was given talents according to his individual ...
  4. 7. The difference between the two is that the wise were?
  5. 8. The Son of Man will come in glory and sit on his glorious....
  6. 11. The Master was pleased with two servants calling them "good and ?"
  7. 12. The Master ........ his property to his servants before going on a long journey
  8. 14. This chapter contains how many parables?
  9. 16. The last portion of Matthew 25 is about the final....
  10. 17. Five virgins were ?
  1. 1. He will do this to the nations gathered before Him
  2. 2. Five virgins were ?
  3. 4. This discourse given by Jesus in Matthew 24:1 – 25:46 is named for the place where it took place.
  4. 6. Those who expressed no deeds of kindness will go on His left as .....
  5. 7. The goats will receive eternal?
  6. 9. The Parable of the Ten Virgins contains this many wise and this many foolish virgins.
  7. 10. The third servant was also called ......
  8. 13. Those who acted in kindness towards the least of their brothers will go on his right as ....
  9. 15. The sheep will receive eternal?