May 30 English 9H Crossword

  1. 7. a trip into enemy territory.
  2. 11. causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial.
  3. 13. to irritate or annoy.
  4. 14. concise, not "wordy".
  5. 15. to jut out from the surrounding surface or context.
  6. 21. friendly.
  7. 22. to appease someone’s anger/anxiety.
  8. 23. an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone or something primarily based on surface qualities.
  9. 26. a deadlock, something with no solution; a situation in which no progress is possible, especially because of disagreement
  10. 27. lacking refinement, bad-mannered.
  11. 29. to cause something to spread thin and gradually vanish.
  12. 30. information or education for the improvement of a person.
  13. 31. imposing, causing fear, dread, or apprehension. Ex: The seniors were formidable opponents in the Olympics because they were older, bigger, stronger, and had experience at three previous Olympics.
  14. 33. in a state of severe disrepair.
  1. 1. something that causes or increases the rate of a reaction.
  2. 2. The quick, easy, convenient way to do something, but not always the best way to do something.
  3. 3. excessively enthusiastic or intensely devoted to a cause or idea.
  4. 4. friendship that is based on respect and shared interests not romantic or intimate feelings.
  5. 5. something that completely occupies, absorbs, or preoccupies one’s interest.
  6. 6. to surrender to or admit defeat.
  7. 8. tell someone something positively or confidently to dispel any doubts they may have.
  8. 9. successful; favorable.
  9. 10. extreme difficulty when it comes to completing a task.
  10. 12. to effectively oppose, stop, or prevent the occurrence of something.
  11. 16. respectful.
  12. 17. dirtied or stained (literally or figuratively)
  13. 18. extremely stupid or foolish.
  14. 19. spotless.
  15. 20. bitter, long-lasting resentment
  16. 24. a self-contradictory statement that might prove to be well founded or true after all.
  17. 25. to reluctantly give in to someone.
  18. 28. liable to sudden unpredictable change.
  19. 32. a show of boldness intended to impress or intimidate.