
  1. 3. the game of Pok-a-Tok was played with a _____ ball
  2. 4. native word for slash and burn method of farming
  3. 7. stone slab made to honor the life of an important leader was called ____
  4. 8. mayan headdresses contained many colorful____
  5. 9. the first americans came from asia by way of the ____ strait land bridge
  6. 10. much of the literature & writeings of the mayan people were destroyed by diego de ______
  1. 1. modern mayan people cherish their culture and didnt want to become an ____ minority
  2. 2. this resource has been used in carvings and artworks
  3. 5. european dieseases such as smallpox, measles, and ____ killed up to 90% of the mayan people
  4. 6. the mayas knowledge of ____ was very advanced and included the plotting the movements of the sun, moon and venusmovements