
  1. 1. courts that conduct the original trial and render their decison
  2. 6. the person who executes a promissory note
  3. 8. an expression of willingness to enter a contractual agreement
  4. 10. person who writes his or her name on back of an instrument
  5. 14. a person who deals in goods of the kind
  6. 15. failure to exercise ordinary care
  7. 18. a person under full legal age
  8. 19. a written request initiating a civil suit
  9. 20. to take into police custody
  10. 22. a person in possession of an instrument
  1. 2. the party who intestines or makes an offer
  2. 3. a judicial order or decree forbidding the performance of a certain act
  3. 4. movable tangible personal property
  4. 5. a criminal offense that is punishable by confinement in prison or death
  5. 7. charging a person with a crime and asking for that person plea
  6. 9. a contract which will be enforced by the court
  7. 11. the party to whom any negotiable instrument is made payable
  8. 12. a decision of a court
  9. 13. a person whom the offer is made
  10. 16. those rules of civil conduct commanding what is right and prohibiting what is wrong
  11. 17. A criminal offense which is neither treason nor a felony
  12. 21. Intentional false statement of material facts given to the injured party