Mechanical Engineering

  1. 2. the act of driving or pushing forward.
  2. 3. energy, when potential energy is released which makes bodies and objects move.
  3. 5. machines, two or more simple machines working together.
  4. 6. a weight that is used to keep a boat upright.
  5. 7. a rapid stream of air or water forced through a small opening.
  6. 9. thinking process, the way engineers solve problems and build solutions.
  7. 11. machines, make work easier by using less force or by applying a push or pull in a different direction.
  8. 12. the strength or energy that creates movement.
  9. 13. a quick way to show your idea to others or to try it out. It can be as simple as a drawing or it can be made with everyday materials like cardboard paper string rubber bands etc.
  1. 1. a bar or spindle on which things can rotate.
  2. 2. energy, the energy stored in your body and everything else in our world.
  3. 4. people who solve problems.
  4. 5. a compound machine that uses levers pulleys and wheels and axles to make moving lifting heavy things easier.
  5. 8. the force that pushes something forward.
  6. 10. the force or pressure that pushes back an object in the water.