Mechanical systems

  1. 3. An elevator makes use of this type of simple machine
  2. 5. Energy of motion
  3. 6. An auger is an example of this type of simple machine
  4. 8. Stored energy
  5. 11. Needed to make machines work
  6. 12. A push or a pull
  7. 13. Part of a complex machine that transfers force from one part of the machine to another (not a simple machine)
  8. 14. A doorknob is an example of this type of simple machine
  9. 17. A machine that contains several simple machines
  10. 18. A knife blade is an example of this type of simple machine
  11. 19. Plane A ramp is an example of this type of simple machine
  1. 1. The amount by which a machine can multiply a force
  2. 2. If you want to use less force on a machine, you must move a greater ________________.
  3. 4. The type of energy a car has with a full tank of gas, driving down the road
  4. 7. The type of energy used to make a toaster work
  5. 9. Done when a force acts on an object and moves it a distance
  6. 10. A simple machine that makes lifting heavy loads easier and has a fulcrum
  7. 15. How well a device uses energy
  8. 16. Heat energy