Med Lab 2014

  1. 7. A+,B+,O+,AB+,A-,B-,O-,AB-
  2. 8. a component in the blood which is responsible for transfusion reactions
  3. 10. the study of urine
  4. 13. what CBC stands for
  5. 15. the part of the blood which is tested in chemistry
  1. 1. what the lab used to see your sample "up close"
  2. 2. the part of the blood which is responsible for clotting
  3. 3. pointy object which removes blood from your body
  4. 4. the component of the blood which fights infection
  5. 5. what the phlebotomists look for in your arm
  6. 6. the place where lab tests are run
  7. 9. the act of putting donor blood into a patient
  8. 11. the act of taking blood
  9. 12. what determines if you need a transfusion
  10. 13. the act of blood clotting
  11. 14. the study of bacteria and microorganisms