  1. 1. surgical repair of the bronchial tubes
  2. 4. combining form that means nose that starts with a N
  3. 7. Surgical removal of one of the lobes of a lung
  4. 10. produces mucus and contains cilia assisting the lungs
  5. 11. spasm of the bronchial tubes
  6. 14. recurrent episodes that lead to difficulty of breathing
  7. 16. professional that works with the respiratory system
  8. 17. visual examination inside the bronchi using a scope
  9. 18. measurement of the air capacity in the lungs
  1. 2. located in the lower respiratory tract
  2. 3. surgical removal of an entire lung
  3. 5. suffix that means breathing
  4. 6. abbreviation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  5. 8. inflammation of the air sacs in the lungs
  6. 9. prefix meaning fast
  7. 11. prefix meaning slow
  8. 12. abbreviation of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
  9. 13. combining form that means nose that starts with a R
  10. 15. radiographic image of the chest
  11. 19. suffix that means Smell