MED141 Chapter 47

  1. 1. test for hidden occult blood in stool
  2. 3. urethral obstruction can cause this
  3. 4. urine odor in patients w uncontrolled diabetes
  4. 5. K
  5. 8. eggs
  6. 9. blood in urine
  7. 12. used to determine specific gravity
  8. 13. test based on detecting HCG
  9. 14. presence of significant glucose in urine
  10. 15. formed when protein accumulates in kidney
  1. 2. insufficient production of urine
  2. 6. U/A-evaluation of urine
  3. 7. procedure-relieve urinary retention
  4. 10. presence of this indicates PKU
  5. 11. Na
  6. 12. most common urine specimen