Media Studies key terms crossword

  1. 4. used in the uses of gratifications theory, for example teenagers are lazy
  2. 6. what is shown in a shot this includes, the character’s costume, set design, body language and facial expression.
  3. 8. one of the big six, made the 4th highest grossing film of 2016,
  4. 9. sound added into an edit, e.g. a soundtrack or sound effects
  5. 11. a company owned by a conglomerate
  6. 12. a shot that makes a person looks very powerful and strong.
  1. 1. when the symbolic meaning is made very clear, it is also the combining of signifiers.
  2. 2. the feminist theory used against objectifying women
  3. 3. the combination of two movie genres, used to attract a wider audience
  4. 5. a shot that is used to show the background and the whole person, cannot see facial expressions of person.
  5. 7. making something very realistic and that would fit in with the genre.
  6. 10. movies that have budgets over $100, an example being avatar, films with this big budget are made by the big six.