Medical crossword puzzle

  1. 2. Additional Medicare coverage for doctors' services and outpatient treatment.
  2. 3. Workers' ______ is a health insurance plan for workers injured on the job.
  3. 5. Medicare coverage for hospital services.
  4. 6. Federal government program that provides health care for individuals who are over age 65.
  5. 7. A health insurance plan for military personnel.
  6. 9. Without health insurance, this is what happens when someone gets seriously ill.
  7. 10. Amount paid by the patient before the insurance company pays.
  8. 12. ________ care was developed in response to rising health care cost. A second opinion is often required before treatment can be provided, with the focus on preventive care.
  9. 13. A type of health insurance plan. For a monthly fee, a person receives health care from affiliated health care providers.
  1. 1. Medical assistance offered by states for individuals with low incomes.
  2. 4. Provider Organization, Usually provided by large companies who have a contract with certain health care Agencies, employees are restricted to using a specific hospital or doctor.
  3. 8. If a patient has 80/20 co-insurance, the patient pays 20 ___ of the bill.
  4. 11. The check we send every month to pay for health insurance.