Medical Detective Vocabulary Crossword

  1. 3. a medical doctor who manages the physical, behavioral, and mental care for children
  2. 7. how much heat in your body is your _______
  3. 8. pressure of circulating blood against the walls of blood vessels
  4. 9. something that is reasonable is ________
  5. 10. the information you collect from your experiment
  6. 12. medicine to help with bacterial infections
  7. 14. a procedure that you can do to test out a research question
  8. 15. techniques to keep something from being infected by a pathogen
  9. 18. Measures the pressure in your arteries when your heart is pumping
  10. 19. inside the Petri dish; what you put your bacteria or pathogen on
  11. 20. temperature, pulse, blood pressure, and respiratory rate count as these
  12. 22. a microscopic organism, especially a bacterium, virus, or fungus
  1. 1. your educated guess on your research question is your _______
  2. 2. measures the pressure in your arteries when your heart is resting
  3. 4. the identification of a disease is a ___________
  4. 5. causes you to become sick; Zika is an example
  5. 6. how much times you breath every minute
  6. 11. how much times your heart beats every minute
  7. 13. this part in your experiment always depends on your independent variable; changes
  8. 16. this part in your experiment doesn’t change
  9. 17. a scientist who studies microscopic life forms and processes
  10. 21. what your patient is feeling or going through is a ________ of a disease