Medical Ethics

  1. 2. Special, associated with God
  2. 5. A Christian denomination
  3. 8. You knitted me in my mothers _ _ _ _
  4. 9. A Christian denomination
  5. 13. Christians believe that only people have this
  6. 14. When a woman carries a baby for another woman
  7. 17. Assisted Suicide
  1. 1. Do you not know that your body is one of these
  2. 3. The deliberate termination of a foetus
  3. 4. Christians believe that we are made in His image
  4. 5. Making a genetic copy
  5. 6. A medical intervention to aid pregnancy
  6. 7. The name of a cloned sheep
  7. 10. The name of the first created man
  8. 11. A charity to help those who are feeling suicidal
  9. 12. Somebody who donates something
  10. 15. The book in the Bible that includes the Creation stories
  11. 16. Care that is focused on taking away pain rather than making somebody better
  12. 18. When somebody ends their own life