Medical History

  1. 1. Rene Laennec invented what?
  2. 3. What helped cure Malaria
  3. 5. First people to organize health care
  4. 7. played most important role in ancient medicine
  5. 9. clara barton founded what?
  6. 11. Francis Crick discovery
  7. 14. Louis Pasteur is the father of what?
  8. 15. First used in surgeries to numb pain
  9. 16. medical research in the 21st century
  10. 17. What destroyed the majority of the natives?
  11. 18. Father of medicine
  12. 19. Louis Paseur found the vaccine to?
  1. 2. Disease that ravaged the world during WW1
  2. 4. First people to have medical records
  3. 6. Fleming discovered this antibiotic
  4. 8. rebirth of science and medicine
  5. 10. plague that destroyed 1/3 of Europe's population
  6. 12. Joseph Lester discovered this theory
  7. 13. disease discovered in the 80's
  8. 20. What is Ben Carson famous for