Medical jobs

  1. 1. Great all rounder
  2. 7. just the person when you have indigestion
  3. 11. Nice to children
  4. 15. Sorts your blood out
  5. 16. All the better to see you with my dear
  6. 17. If nerves get the better of you
  1. 2. Sorts your mental health
  2. 3. Great with skin conditions
  3. 4. Good with hearing
  4. 5. Useful to have around as you get older
  5. 6. Helps women with their private parts
  6. 8. Puts you to sleep
  7. 9. Eases aching limbs
  8. 10. Useful if you have diabetes or thyroid problems
  9. 12. Looks after your heart
  10. 13. Looks deep inside you without even touching you
  11. 14. Good with tissues
  12. 18. Sorts out your water works
  13. 19. Mums favourite at the moment