Medical Skills

  1. 1. letter-a letter sent with, and explaining the contents of, another document or a parcel of goods.
  2. 4. action of mentioning or alluding to something
  3. 5. competence or skill expected of a professional
  4. 6. formal request to an authority for something
  5. 7. meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation.
  6. 8. application-An application for employment, job application, or application form usually includes a form or collection of forms that an individual seeking employment
  7. 10. to do or pursue (something) again after a pause or interruption
  1. 1. action or process of providing someone or something with an official document attesting to a status or level of achievement.
  2. 2. large, thin, flat case for loose sheets of paper such as drawings or maps.
  3. 3. action or process of registering or of being registered.
  4. 9. estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time.
  5. 11. fixed regular payment, typically paid on a monthly or biweekly basis but often expressed as an annual sum