Medical Specialists
- 6. who specializes in conditions that affect the skin, hair, and nails
- 7. treating children from birth to young adulthood
- 9. qualified to treat irregularities in the teeth and jaws
- 11. who treats the feet and their ailments
- 12. preventive care and disease management for female health conditions
- 13. treat kidney diseases
- 15. specializes in the study or treatment of heart diseases and heart abnormalities
- 1. help people learn to cope with stressful situations
- 2. specialists in the nervous system
- 3. is trained to assist women in childbirth
- 4. specialize in eye and vision care
- 5. who treats mental health conditions
- 8. treat both common and complex illnesses
- 10. these internists are cancer specialists
- 14. they treat immune system disorders