Medical Staff Services

  1. 2. healthcare organizations must obtain what before they can provide services?
  2. 5. usually a doctor a patient sees first for medical care
  3. 6. file with all healthcare providers including nonphysicians & sites of care created by CMS
  4. 10. clinic providing care for people experiencing emotional and psychological issues
  5. 12. reviews medical staff applications & reccommendations
  6. 14. provides healthcare facilities with administrative support and staffing services
  7. 19. what does CAH stand for
  8. 20. what is the acronym for Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers & System
  9. 22. committee medical staff committee which review & verifies medical staff application data
  10. 23. provide care to patient who require healthcare for less than 30 days
  11. 26. a unique number created by CMS for physicians who bill services to them
  12. 28. provides care to patients with cardiac disease
  13. 29. voluntary accredits health organizations
  1. 1. provide treatment to patients in their home
  2. 3. a fixed amount a healthcare organization will receive for specific services
  3. 4. what does CAH stand for
  4. 5. what does PCS stand for?
  5. 7. credentialing is obtained through the AAMA (American Association of Medical Assitants)
  6. 8. ensuring patient care is coordinated so the patients discharge or transfer is timely
  7. 9. performs receptionist duties in the nursing unit
  8. 11. most complex medical care
  9. 13. generally formed by several physicians sharing a building, sometimes different specialites
  10. 15. facility a patient goes to when they require more than 30 days of care
  11. 16. developed professional standard to assess the compliance of healthcare organizations
  12. 17. a healthcare professional who is part of a managed care network
  13. 18. medical staff policies
  14. 21. specialist verifies the credentials of medical staff
  15. 24. nonemergency care for colds, flu, broken bones
  16. 25. the term used to charge an individual for their medical insurance?
  17. 27. group of provider that contract with carriers to participate in a specific managed care plan