Medical technology

  1. 3. The list that you have to be on before you are given the chance of a lifetime!
  2. 5. What the M stands for in MRI.
  3. 8. Beginning with the letter D, what gives a shock that your heart would not mind?
  4. 10. What is the medical name for short-sightedness?
  5. 11. What you lie in when having a MRI scan.
  6. 12. Pacemakers send these types of pulses.
  7. 15. Beginning with ‘D’, robots help you make these ‘abilities’ more accurately.
  8. 17. In laser-eye surgery, what the section reshaped is medical named.
  1. 1. Pacemakers are often given to patients with _ _ _ _ heart rates.
  2. 2. Surgeons using robots can suffer from less of this?
  3. 4. A defect in the lens shape of your eye.
  4. 6. Your body takes medicines to stop this happening to your newly transplanted organ.
  5. 7. A person might have to be this ‘sort’ of dead, before they could be a donor!
  6. 9. How nuclear medicine gets into your body.
  7. 13. A specific dye that is used with MRI scans.
  8. 14. A typical part that might be donated to a patient.
  9. 16. What the surgeon uses to control the medical robots.