Medical Terminolgy

  1. 2. is the term for the v-shaped mass that hangs from the roof of the back of the mouth.
  2. 4. pertains to shoulder.
  3. 6. means pertaining to the head.
  4. 9. form for fat is adip/o.
  5. 11. means pain in the ear.
  6. 13. is the normal dynamic process of balance needed to maintain a healthy body.
  7. 15. is the organelle that serves a digestive function for the cells.
  8. 17. is the study of tissues.
  9. 18. and fat are examples of connective tissue.
  10. 19. it the muscle between the stomach and the first part of the small intestine.
  11. 21. is the suffix that means blood condition.
  12. 24. is an inflammation.
  13. 25. gastrectomy is a excision of the stomach.
  14. 26. means inflammation of the heart.
  1. 1. is the term meaning neck.
  2. 3. is the healthcare term for organs.
  3. 4. is an eponym.
  4. 5. is a ridge in the gastrointestinal system.
  5. 7. is the structure that holds organelles within a cell.
  6. 8. means toward the tail.
  7. 10. cavity contains the heart.
  8. 12. is the combing form for the digestive substance produced by the liver.
  9. 13. is the term for the area where nerves and vessels enter and exit an organ.
  10. 14. is the process of viewing dead tissue.
  11. 15. are fibrous bands that connect bone to bone.
  12. 16. anti means against.
  13. 18. is a masticated lump of food.
  14. 20. is the combining form for the small intestine.
  15. 22. position is face forward, arms at sides,palms forward,with toes pointed forward.
  16. 23. is the combining form that means windpipe.
  17. 27. singular of viscera is viscer.