Medical Terminology #11

  1. 3. away from,not -not being near something
  2. 4. stretch -to cause something to become longer or wider by pulling it
  3. 8. swelling -inflammation
  4. 10. before -opposite of after
  5. 12. sleep -people should get at least 8 hours of this per night
  6. 14. speech -a person's style of speaking
  7. 15. within -inside
  8. 16. drug -a medicine
  9. 18. paralysis -loss of muscle function in one or more muscles
  10. 20. cold -low temperature
  11. 21. child -a young person
  12. 22. Lump,clot -our blood does this
  13. 23. ball - an egg-shaped object
  1. 1. pull,draw -exert a force on something
  2. 2. entrance -an opening, that allows access to a place
  3. 5. loins - a part of the body on both sides of the soine between the lowest ribs and hipbones
  4. 6. offspring -a persons child
  5. 7. beneath -extending or directly underneath
  6. 9. bad -low standard
  7. 11. out,away from -opposite of in
  8. 12. Flesh -cannibals eat this
  9. 13. between -space separating two things
  10. 17. large -a big amount
  11. 19. spleen -an organ found in virtually all vertebrates
  12. 22. nipple -found in the center of the breast