Medical Terminology

  1. 3. new
  2. 4. situated to the center of the doby or point of attachment
  3. 5. tissue
  4. 7. pertaining to the front
  5. 10. under
  6. 11. pertaining to
  7. 13. shoulder blade
  8. 16. disease
  9. 17. movement of the limb away from midline
  10. 19. tending to become progressivly worse and to cause death
  11. 21. tumor, swelling
  12. 23. heel bone
  13. 28. laying on stomach
  14. 29. study of tissue
  15. 31. toward the head
  16. 33. toward the middle
  17. 36. shin bone
  18. 37. above
  19. 39. study of cells
  20. 42. state of
  21. 44. away from the surface farther into the body
  22. 45. liver
  23. 47. situated away from the center or point of attachment
  24. 48. laying on back
  25. 49. vein
  1. 1. nerve
  2. 2. movement of the limb toward the midline
  3. 4. knee cap
  4. 6. control, stop
  5. 8. fat
  6. 9. upper arm bone
  7. 12. breastbone
  8. 14. collar bone
  9. 15. pertaining to cancer
  10. 18. toward the feet
  11. 20. wwithin
  12. 22. joint
  13. 23. cell
  14. 24. closer to the surface of the body
  15. 25. before
  16. 26. longest bone the the body
  17. 27. toward the front
  18. 30. toward the head
  19. 32. resembling
  20. 34. inflammtion
  21. 35. muscle
  22. 38. toward the back
  23. 40. one who studies and practices
  24. 41. abnormal condition
  25. 43. below
  26. 46. beon