Medical Terminology

  1. 4. pertaining to the mouth
  2. 5. transplantation to self
  3. 7. tumor of the kidney
  4. 9. double vision
  5. 11. minute, pinpoint hemorrhage under the skin
  6. 12. disease of muscle
  7. 15. liver cell
  8. 19. inflammation of the mouth
  9. 21. pertaining to two sides
  10. 22. absence of the sense of smell
  11. 24. slow heart rate
  12. 26. without a breast
  13. 27. specialist in the study of tissue
  14. 28. enlargement of the stomach
  15. 29. redness of the skin caused by swelling of capillaries
  16. 30. pertaining to (area) near the nose
  1. 1. suture of a muscle
  2. 2. black tumor
  3. 3. crushing a stone
  4. 6. abnormal condition of fat
  5. 8. excessive acidity of body fluids
  6. 10. lack or loss of appetite
  7. 13. intense itching
  8. 14. toward middle
  9. 16. nasal hemorrhage
  10. 17. white blood
  11. 18. fat cell
  12. 20. pertaining to the chest
  13. 23. pertaining to internal organs
  14. 25. mass of masticated food ready for swallowing