Medical Terminology

  1. 4. appendix
  2. 6. gums
  3. 7. unnatural paleness or absence of color in the skin
  4. 10. breathing
  5. 11. around
  6. 13. lack or loss of appetite
  7. 15. diffuse, acute infection of the skin
  8. 17. nasal hemorrhage: also called nosebleed
  9. 19. scale
  10. 20. slow
  11. 22. dry, scaly
  12. 24. near, beside: beyond
  13. 26. skin
  14. 27. internal organs
  15. 29. chest
  1. 1. mouth
  2. 2. intense itching
  3. 3. to cut
  4. 5. before
  5. 8. without, not
  6. 9. discharge, flow
  7. 10. swallowing, eating
  8. 11. fixation
  9. 12. yellow
  10. 14. bronchodilator
  11. 16. binding, fixation
  12. 18. acute inflammation of the nose membranes
  13. 21. sudden breaking or bursting of a structure or organ
  14. 23. many
  15. 25. one-half
  16. 28. chest x-ray
  17. 29. instrument to cut