Medical Terminology

  1. 2. a clump of cells or tissue that is caused by abnormal growth/divisions (may or may not be cancerous)
  2. 3. side effects of diseases
  3. 4. broken bone
  4. 9. describes an illness that can be spread to other people or organisms
  5. 10. not normal or regular
  6. 12. to clean or disinfect
  7. 13. long term illness
  8. 14. your body's ability to resist or fight against disease
  1. 1. authorization from a doctor or physician to take a certain medication
  2. 5. one of the body systems, has to do with breathing
  3. 6. a conclusion drawn by doctors based off symptoms
  4. 7. cut or scrape
  5. 8. describes something pertaining to the heart
  6. 9. filled with too much blood
  7. 11. illness short in duration