Medical Terminology

  1. 5. / measures pulse pressure
  2. 11. / automated external defibrillator
  3. 13. / atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
  4. 14. / sends signals to keep heartbeats regulated
  5. 17. / written record of vessels
  6. 18. / inner part of the heart
  7. 20. / caused by viruses, bacteria, or fungi; is inflammation of the heart sac
  8. 21. / top of the heart
  9. 22. / looking at the heart and vessels
  10. 23. / looking at the blood flowing through blood vessels
  11. 25. / weakened walls cause swelling like a balloon
  1. 1. / EKG
  2. 2. / dyspnea on exertion
  3. 3. / bottom of the heart
  4. 4. / coronary artery bypass graft
  5. 6. / middle part of the heart
  6. 7. / outer part of the heart
  7. 8. veins / swollen veins are often found in legs and are painful
  8. 9. infarction / most commonly known as a heart attack
  9. 10. / main cause of heart disease
  10. 12. / cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  11. 15. arrest / is commonly mistaken for a heart attack but completely stops the heart
  12. 16. / also known as high blood pressure
  13. 19. / catheterization
  14. 22. test / commonly known as a stress test
  15. 24. / atrial fibrillation