Medical Terminology

  1. 3. Fixed out of pocket amount the subscriber pays for medical services before the insurance will assume liability.
  2. 9. A benefit designed to allow for a designated individual to visit the member if they are inpatient more than 7 days abroad.
  3. 11. The identification of an illness or other problem
  4. 12. Ensures the physician never receives more than 100% reimbursement owed
  5. 15. A fixed amount the member pays for each diagnostic visit to the doctor or hospital.
  6. 16. Percentage of covered expense which must be paid by the member
  7. 17. Average charge for similar medical services in specific geographical locations
  1. 1. Maximums for services which have a specific dollar amount or service limit.
  2. 2. A length of time during which a benefit is paid
  3. 4. A physician focused on a specific area of medicine
  4. 5. An adjunct to basic medical services
  5. 6. The amount agreed upon by the Plan and Providers as payment in full for services rendered
  6. 7. An institution licensed to
  7. 8. Contract between GeoBlue and the applicant/group. It describes the benefit plan for which an individual is enrolled
  8. 10. Administrative Services Only
  9. 13. The member’s country of domicile
  10. 14. The difference between the charged amount on a claim and the allowed (UCR) on a claim. This is sometimes the patient’s responsibility.