Medical Terminology

  1. 3. muscle tear
  2. 5. hx
  3. 7. frontal, saggital,transverse
  4. 9. far from skin
  5. 12. far from body's midline
  6. 13. Pain felt somewhere other than its origin
  7. 15. near body's midline
  8. 16. Increasing the angle of the joint
  9. 18. near center of body
  10. 19. as needed
  11. 20. top side of structure
  12. 22. toes in towards the midline of the body
  13. 24. pointing toes/feet
  14. 25. lay downwards
  15. 28. ha
  16. 29. movement toward middle of the body
  17. 31. lay upwards
  18. 34. swelling in tissue
  19. 35. incomplete separation of a joint
  20. 38. toward front of body
  21. 43. electrical stimulation
  22. 44. ROM
  23. 45. new injury
  24. 46. turn forearm away from body
  25. 47. connects muscle to bone
  26. 52. rotate arm toward the body
  27. 54. movement away from the middle of the body
  1. 1. knocked-knees
  2. 2. upright, palms forward
  3. 4. complete separation of two ends of a joint
  4. 6. toward head
  5. 8. excessive straightening of a part
  6. 10. toward feet
  7. 11. situated to center
  8. 14. swelling in joint
  9. 17. fx
  10. 18. turn forearm toward body
  11. 21. connects bone to bone
  12. 22. body swelling
  13. 23. inc. angle of a joint
  14. 24. situated away from center
  15. 26. bottom of foot
  16. 27. close to skin
  17. 30. body bent outward
  18. 32. rotate arm away from the body
  19. 33. Stretching or tearing of ligaments
  20. 36. far from center of body
  21. 37. long-lasting injury
  22. 39. discolortaion from internal bleeding
  23. 40. p!
  24. 41. Pain produced when structure is palpated
  25. 42. flexing toes/feet
  26. 48. toward back of body
  27. 49. ruptured capillaries, bruise
  28. 50. sound of friction between bone and cartilage
  29. 51. ankle laxity
  30. 53. toes outward away from the neutral position of the foot