Medical Terminology

  1. 2. tearing of ligaments
  2. 3. Pointing toes outward
  3. 7. medical abbreviation for no known allergies
  4. 8. What does ROM stand for?
  5. 9. healing apparatus
  6. 11. Palms face____in the anatomical position
  7. 14. swelling in the tissue
  8. 15. Divides the body into superior and inferior parts
  9. 18. grating sound/sensation produced by friction between bone and cartilage
  10. 19. turning forearm away from body
  11. 23. Turning forearm toward body
  12. 25. Divides the body in front and back halves
  13. 27. Farthest from the center of the body
  14. 30. Below or toward the___
  15. 31. Extension means____the angle of the joint
  16. 33. Central means pertaining to a ___
  17. 34. Top side of a structure
  18. 36. Laying face up
  19. 37. Discoloration of the skin resulting from bleeding underneath
  20. 40. medical abbreviation for Heart Rate
  21. 42. Toward the back of the body
  22. 43. Prone means laying face___
  23. 44. Chronic means an injury with a____duration
  24. 45. Toward the front of the body
  25. 47. Lateral is the ___ from the midline of the body
  26. 52. Pointing toes away from body
  27. 53. Position of a body part that is bent outwards
  28. 54. ____ laxity means looseness in the joint
  1. 1. Plantar means the____of the foot
  2. 4. medical abbreviation for every morning
  3. 5. Anterior surface of the arm/leg rotates medially toward midline
  4. 6. Body's response to injury
  5. 10. connects bone to bone
  6. 12. medical abbreviation for negative
  7. 13. Situated away from a center
  8. 16. connects muscle to bone
  9. 17. Pain produced when structure is palpated
  10. 20. Subluxation means____or incomplete separation of a joint
  11. 21. Excessive straightening of a part
  12. 22. Antertior surface of the arm/leg rotates laterally away from midline
  13. 24. Movement toward the midline of the body
  14. 26. Acute means a____or new injury sudden onset
  15. 28. Bringing toes in towards midline of the body
  16. 29. Superior is towards the___or head
  17. 30. Decreasing the angle formed by the bones of a joint
  18. 32. swelling in the joint
  19. 35. ____ pain is pain felt somewhere other than its origin
  20. 36. tearing of muscles/tendons
  21. 38. Superficial means____to the skin
  22. 39. Closest to the center of the body
  23. 41. region of injured tissue or skin in which blood capillaries have been ruptured
  24. 42. medical abbreviation for by/through
  25. 44. Sagittal plane divides body into___ and right halves
  26. 45. Abduction is movement____from the midline of the body.
  27. 46. Farthest away from the skin
  28. 48. Bringing toes___the body
  29. 49. Complete separation of two ends of a joint
  30. 50. Valgus means a position of a body part that is bent____
  31. 51. Medial is closest to the ____ of the body