Medical Terminology

  1. 2. Swelling in the joint
  2. 5. BP
  3. 9. is the Partial or incomplete separation of a joint
  4. 13. a injury were you can see bone is ____
  5. 14. Body’s response to injury
  6. 16. you hand is ______ to your shoulder
  7. 18. sleeping on you stomach
  8. 21. an injury that takes year to heal would be
  9. 22. A paper cut is a ______ wound
  10. 23. Joint Laxity is the_______ in the joint
  11. 25. arm or leg rotated medially toward Midline
  12. 28. Complete separation of two ends of a joint
  13. 32. Ligament in the Structure that_______ bone to bone
  14. 36. your humerus is _______ to your phalanges
  15. 37. a discoloration of the skin resulting from bleeding underneath
  16. 40. Farthest from the mid line of the body
  17. 41. _________ Pain is Pain that is felt somewhere other than its origin
  18. 42. the opposite of the bottom of you foot
  19. 45. RICE
  20. 46. Amount of movement allowed at the joint
  21. 49. Sx
  22. 50. The opposite of Internal Rotation
  23. 51. when you do a calf raise, you are in a _______ Flexion
  1. 1. your knee is______ to your shoulders
  2. 3. the plantar is the______ of your foot
  3. 4. Position of a body part that is bent inward
  4. 6. sleeping on you back
  5. 7. Tendon is the Structure that connects____to bone
  6. 8. Supination is when you____ your forearm away from the body
  7. 10. dorsiflexion is when you bring your toes towards the_______
  8. 11. abduction is a movement_____from the midline of the body
  9. 12. Stretching or tearing of muscles/tendons
  10. 13. DOB
  11. 14. Bringing the toes in towards the midline of the body
  12. 15. adduction is a movement toward the________ of the body
  13. 17. Edema is the Swelling in the_______
  14. 19. SOB
  15. 20. a new injury you got today would be
  16. 24. _______tenderness is Pain produced when structure is palpated
  17. 26. extension is increasing the angle of the ________
  18. 27. A grating sound or sensation produced by friction between bone and cartilage
  19. 29. another name for a bruise
  20. 30. ACL location
  21. 31. MCL Location
  22. 33. your knee is______ to your feet
  23. 34. Extreme or excessive straightening of a part
  24. 35. towards the back of the body
  25. 38. Stretching or tearing of ligaments
  26. 39. Position of a body part that is bent outward
  27. 43. Pronation is when you Turn your ____ toward the body
  28. 44. flexion is when the angle of the bones of the joint _______
  29. 47. Healing apparatus
  30. 48. Eversion is when your Pointing your toes_______ away from the neutral position of the foot