Medical Terminology

  1. 3. Turning forearm toward the body
  2. 5. color from bleeding underneath
  3. 8. Decreasing angle of the bones or joints
  4. 9. Farthest from the Middle of the body
  5. 11. Stretching or tearing of muscles/tendons
  6. 13. Looseness in the joint
  7. 18. Extreme straightening of a part
  8. 20. Abbreviation of this is Dx
  9. 21. Movement toward the mid line of the body
  10. 23. Situated to a center
  11. 26. Abbreviation of this is fx
  12. 27. Pain felt somewhere other than it's origin
  13. 30. Pointing toes up
  14. 32. Laying face up
  15. 33. Towards the top
  16. 34. towards the bottom of the body
  17. 35. Injury with a long duration
  18. 39. Pointing toes down
  19. 40. Bringing toes inward to the body
  20. 43. Turning forearm away from the body
  21. 45. Closest to center of the body
  22. 46. Farthest from the center of the body
  23. 50. Abbreviation of this is BP
  24. 51. Stretching or tearing of ligaments
  25. 53. Body's response to injury
  26. 55. Abbreviation of this is CPR
  1. 1. Amount of movement allowed at the joint
  2. 2. Arm or leg Rotating toward the mid line
  3. 4. Pain produced when structure is palpated
  4. 6. Partial or incomplete separation of a joint
  5. 7. Healing apparatus
  6. 10. Increasing angle of the joint
  7. 12. Top of a structure
  8. 14. Structure that connects muscle to bone
  9. 15. towards the front of body
  10. 16. closest to the middle of the body
  11. 17. Knees going inward
  12. 19. Arm or leg rotating away from the mid line
  13. 22. towards the bottom
  14. 24. closest to the skin
  15. 25. Laying face down
  16. 28. Swelling in the tissue
  17. 29. Complete separation of two ends of a joint
  18. 31. Swelling in the Joint
  19. 36. Sound from bone or cartilage or fractured parts of a bone
  20. 37. Abbreviation of this is ASAP
  21. 38. Bringing toes away from the body
  22. 41. Situated away from the center
  23. 42. Bottom of a structure
  24. 44. Bruise
  25. 47. Structure that connects bone to bone
  26. 48. Movement away from the mid line of the body
  27. 49. farthest from the skin
  28. 52. Recent Injury
  29. 54. knees going outward