Medical Terminology

  1. 2. System Body's defense against infections and diseases
  2. 5. Administration of vaccines to prevent diseases
  3. 6. Doctor specializing in heart diseases
  4. 7. High-energy radiation for imaging the body
  5. 9. Medical field focused on skin disorders
  6. 10. Microscopic infectious agent
  7. 11. Pressure Force of blood against artery walls
  8. 14. Abnormal cell growth and division
  9. 16. Medical care for infants, children, and adolescents
  1. 1. Identifying a disease or condition
  2. 3. Medical imaging and interpretation
  3. 4. Loss of sensation or consciousness during surgery
  4. 8. Medication to treat bacterial infections
  5. 12. Medical procedure involving incision and repair
  6. 13. Abnormal immune reaction to a substance
  7. 15. Disease-causing microorganism