Medical Terminology

  1. 8. Near the surface of the body.
  2. 10. This motion only occurs at the ankle in which the toes point up.
  3. 11. Motion that occurs at the ankle joint when you turn the toes outward.
  4. 12. The motion that occurs when you move a limb toward midline of the body.
  5. 13. Both sides.
  6. 14. Refers to the structure nearer to the central aspect or the top.
  7. 15. Referring to the front side of the hand
  8. 16. Toward the bottom of the body or body part.
  9. 19. The motion that occurs when you move a limb away from midline of the body.
  10. 20. This terms means the bottom surface or the front.
  11. 22. The front of the body or body part.
  12. 23. Standing up,facing forward,arms by your side, palms up, feet flat on the ground
  13. 24. Further away from the surface of the body, closer to the core.
  14. 26. Turning the palm of the hand up facing the sky.
  15. 27. Toward the midline of the body.
  16. 29. Planes passing through the body horizontally; divides the body into superior and inferior parts
  1. 1. The back of the body or body part.
  2. 2. Refers to the structure further away from the central aspect or the top.
  3. 3. Rotation at a joint bringing the body part toward the body.
  4. 4. The motion that occurs when you straighten a joint.
  5. 5. Vertical planes passing through the body;divides the body into anterior and posterior parts
  6. 6. A plane that separates the body into right and left halves
  7. 7. Rotation at a joint bringing the body part away from the body
  8. 9. Referring to the sole of the feet
  9. 10. This term means upper surface or the back.
  10. 14. This motion only occurs at the ankle in which the toes point down.
  11. 17. Motion that occurs at the ankle joint when you turn the toes inward.
  12. 18. Away from midline of the body.
  13. 21. Turning the palm of the hand towards the ground.
  14. 25. Toward the top of the body or body part.
  15. 28. The motion that occurs when you bend at a joint.