Medical Terminology

  1. 2. Build-up of plaque in arteries
  2. 3. Erectile dysfunction
  3. 6. Awareness of time, place, and person
  4. 8. Age-related hearing loss
  5. 9. Communication strategy to evade topics
  6. 11. Positive stress
  7. 13. Surgical removal suffix
  8. 17. Assisted death
  9. 22. Age-related farsightedness
  10. 24. Simplified speech to older adults
  11. 26. Long term non-reversible long term memory loss
  12. 28. Abbreviation for drops
  13. 30. State of awareness
  1. 1. Hardening of the arteries
  2. 4. Suffix indicating inflammation
  3. 5. Strain experienced by those providing assistance
  4. 7. Acute reversible confusion
  5. 10. Understanding others' feelings
  6. 12. Bloody
  7. 14. Suffix indicating destruction or breakdown
  8. 15. Adventitious sound with heart failure
  9. 16. Route of administration via cheek
  10. 18. Enlarged liver
  11. 19. Prefix indicating many or much
  12. 20. Containing pus
  13. 21. Assessment tool for alcohol withdrawal
  14. 23. Excess CO2 in blood
  15. 25. Abbreviation for by mouth
  16. 27. Belief in cultural superiority
  17. 29. Suffix indicating the study of something