Medical Terminology

  1. 1. / records the hearts electrical activity
  2. 3. / damage in the heart major blood vessels
  3. 5. attack / happens when part of the heart is blocked by a blood clot
  4. 6. / one of the meaning of the heart
  5. 7. / A device placed in the body connected to the heart to help control the rhythm
  6. 8. / network tubes of where the blood is pumped through the body
  7. 11. / vessels that deliver blood to tissues
  8. 12. / largest artery in the body
  9. 15. / strong tissue that protects bones and joints
  10. 18. / Gives a picture of the heart using a ultrasound
  11. 20. / vessels that return blood to the heart
  12. 22. / condition when irregularities in heartbeat
  1. 2. / condition when narrow blood vessels reduce or block blood flow to the limbs
  2. 3. MRI / uses radio waves, magnets, and computer to create a picture
  3. 4. Failure / condition where the heart don't pump blood right
  4. 6. angiogram / used to examine coronary arteries supplying blood to heart muscle
  5. 7. / an interruption in the flow of blood to cells in the brain
  6. 9. / transport fluid to and from every organ in the body
  7. 10. / networks of small vessels that perfuse tissues
  8. 13. / temporary blockage of blood flow to the brain
  9. 14. scan / detailed pictures of the heart
  10. 16. / pumps blood through your body
  11. 17. / carry oxygen and blood to and from your heart
  12. 19. blood pressure / condition of pressure of the blood is too high
  13. 21. / Damage from the brain stop its blood supply