Medical Terminology

  1. 3. Turning the forearm towards the body
  2. 5. Farthest from the midline of the body
  3. 8. Amount of movement allowed at the joint
  4. 9. The ears are lateral to the nose.
  5. 10. The thumb is _ to the wrist
  6. 13. Movement towards the midline of the body
  7. 16. Increasing the angle of the joint
  8. 18. Movement away from the midline of the body
  9. 20. A _ stretching or tearing of ligaments
  10. 22. The stop side of a structure.
  11. 25. To pull backwards
  12. 27. Discoloration of the skin that happens from bleeding underneath
  13. 30. Partial or incomplete separation of a joint
  14. 31. Over the counter
  15. 32. Bringing the toes in towards the midline of the body
  16. 34. Pointing the toes away from the body
  1. 1. Looseness in the joint
  2. 2. Body's response to injury
  3. 4. Downward movement of the scapula
  4. 6. Pain felt somewhere other than its origin
  5. 7. Closest to the center of the body
  6. 11. A _ is a structure that connects bone to bone
  7. 12. Within normal limits
  8. 14. Situated or pertaining to a center
  9. 15. The chest is _ to the arms.
  10. 17. Lying face up
  11. 19. To push forwards
  12. 20. shortness of breath
  13. 21. Rest,ice, compression ,and elevation
  14. 23. Date of birth
  15. 24. Swelling in the joint
  16. 26. Complete separation of two ends of a joint
  17. 28. The heart is _ to the stomach
  18. 29. The underside of the foot
  19. 33. Position of a body part that is bent outward