Medical Terminology

  1. 2. the feet are more _ than superior on your body
  2. 6. turning the arm toward the body
  3. 8. B in BP stands for _
  4. 11. swelling in the tissue
  5. 17. if I'm my toes towards the midline of my body
  6. 19. _ is the closest to the center of the body
  7. 21. Bid is an abbreviation of
  8. 22. _ is the closest to the midline of the body
  9. 23. basically means a bruise
  10. 25. swelling in the joint
  11. 28. R in CPR means _
  12. 30. if I'm pulling my toes up to my body
  13. 31. downward movement of your scapula
  14. 33. The palm is more _ than the ulna
  15. 35. body's response to injury
  1. 1. shrugging your shoulders is demonstrating _
  2. 3. laying face down
  3. 4. underside of the foot
  4. 5. the opposite of anterior
  5. 7. opposite of depression
  6. 9. to pull backward
  7. 10. moving your forearm as if you were holding soup
  8. 12. opposite of acute/ long term injury
  9. 13. the opposite of superficial is _
  10. 14. laying face up
  11. 15. stretching or tearing of muscle/tendon
  12. 16. recent or new injury
  13. 18. complete separation of two ends of a joint
  14. 20. D in DOB means what
  15. 24. opposite of adduction
  16. 26. doing a bicep curl is demonstrating _
  17. 27. when a joint only partially seperates
  18. 29. the brain is _ to the legs.
  19. 32. stretching or tearing of ligament
  20. 34. D in ADL stands for _