medical terminology

  1. 2. backward flow
  2. 4. a state of balance state in which conditions remain the same
  3. 6. left handed
  4. 7. not able to contain or control excretions
  5. 9. first
  6. 12. through the skin
  7. 13. double
  8. 14. red
  9. 15. one half of a rounded structure
  10. 18. junction between two nerve cells
  11. 21. agent used to prevent infection
  12. 22. blue
  13. 24. over,excess,abnormally high, increased
  14. 25. to move toward the midline
  1. 1. displacement of the stomach to the right
  2. 3. very small
  3. 5. black or dark
  4. 8. radiation therapy delivered at a distance from body
  5. 10. many
  6. 11. behind the nose
  7. 16. white or colorless
  8. 17. yellow
  9. 19. to move away from midline
  10. 20. under,below,abnormally low,decreased
  11. 23. three