  1. 5. plural form of serum (thin fluid)
  2. 6. pronunciation is u
  3. 7. like or resembling mucus
  4. 9. medical specialty
  5. 11. care and treatment of children (ped/o)
  6. 13. pertaining to elcetricity
  7. 14. many
  8. 16. two, twice
  9. 19. the one who studies and treats foots(pod/o)
  10. 20. a word part added to the end of a root to modify its meaning
  11. 21. the fundamental unit of a word
  12. 22. pertaining to bluish discoloration.
  13. 24. bluish discoloration due to lack of oxygen
  14. 25. four
  1. 1. one
  2. 2. pronunciation is dis
  3. 3. plural form of vertebra(bone of the spine)
  4. 4. pronunciation is f
  5. 8. specialist in the study and treatment of the heart(cardi/o)
  6. 10. pertaining to the voice
  7. 11. a word part added before a root to modify its meaning
  8. 12. practical application of science
  9. 14. a medical practitioner
  10. 15. pertaining to the male, masccular
  11. 17. cancer of white blood cells
  12. 18. plural form of stigma(mark or a scar)
  13. 23. pronunciation is k