Medical terminology

  1. 3. cell division
  2. 4. pertaining to the internal organs
  3. 7. A hereditary unit composed of DNA and combined with other genes to form the chromosomes
  4. 8. A specialized structure in the cytoplasm of a cell
  5. 11. a part of the body with a specific function a component of a body system
  6. 12. large membrane bound dark staining organelle near the center of the cell clue dark staining organelle
  7. 17. reticulum (ER) network of membranes within the cytoplasm has ribosomes attached to the ER clue manufacture proteins
  8. 18. small bodies free in the cytoplasm or attached to the ER composed of RNA and protein
  9. 19. fluid portion of the cytoplasm
  10. 23. pertaining to wall, describes a membrane that lines a body cavity
  11. 24. large organelles with internal folded membranes clue convert energy from nutrients into ATP
  12. 25. apparatus layers of membranes clue modifies proteins
  1. 1. A group of cells that acts together for a specific purpose types include epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue, and nervous tissue
  2. 2. A fibrous protein in connective
  3. 5. the body
  4. 6. A category of organic compounds that includes structural materials, enzymes and some hormones
  5. 9. small sacs of digestive enzymes clue digest substances with cell
  6. 10. the inner region of an organ marrow
  7. 13. between parts, such as the spaces between cells in a tissue
  8. 14. acids The nitrogen containing compounds to make protein
  9. 15. Colloidal suspension that fills the cell from the nuclear membrane to the plasma membraneclue consists of cytosol and organelles
  10. 16. a category of organic compounds that includes membrane A simple very thin and pliable sheet of tissue that might cover an organ line a cavity or separate structures
  11. 20. Study of tissues
  12. 21. membrane outer layer of the cell, composed mainly of lipids and proteins clue outer layer cell
  13. 22. Study of cells