Medical Terminology

  1. 2. Root word that represents something that you hear with your ears
  2. 4. Suffix that represents another phrase for bigger than normal
  3. 5. Root word that represents the largest organ in the body
  4. 7. Commonly known as a heart attack
  5. 9. instrument to measure pressure
  6. 12. Root word that represents something that your body builds when you lift weights
  7. 14. Vessels that deliver blood to tissues
  8. 17. test that uses ultrasound to look at the heart and its vessels
  9. 18. Abbreviation for what you breathe
  10. 19. Abbreviation for where a doctor completes surgery
  11. 21. Abbreviation for how fast your heart is beating
  12. 22. an artery has a weakened wall
  13. 23. Two layered sac that encloses the heart
  1. 1. The complete stopping of the heart
  2. 2. meaning process of recording
  3. 3. procedure using x-ray dye and a tiny tube called a catheter
  4. 6. Narrowing in the arteries surrounding the heart
  5. 8. networks of small vessels that perfuse tissues.
  6. 10. Abbreviation for where you go when there is a medical emergency
  7. 11. Suffix that represents what you feel when you get hurt
  8. 13. a procedure done in a specialized area of radiology
  9. 15. vessels that return blood to the heart.
  10. 16. Heart is not efficiently pumping from the left ventricle
  11. 20. Pumps blood to the rest of the body