Medical Terminology

  1. 2. is an abnormal, detrimental cell death caused by external conditions such as trauma, infection, or toxins.
  2. 5. is a normal, beneficial cell death occurring within the body to eliminate damaged or unneeded cells. In an average adult 50-70 billion cells die
  3. 8. white blood cell
  4. 9. tumor composed of glandular tissue (benign)
  5. 12. study of tumors (a branch of medicine concerned with the study of malignant tumors)
  6. 13. pertaining to yellow color
  7. 15. tumor of connective tissue (such as bone or cartilage; highly malignant)
  8. 16. having a fever
  9. 19. tumor composed of fat (benign tumor)
  10. 20. tumor of green color (malignant, arising from myeloid tissue)
  1. 1. cancerous black tumor (malignant)
  2. 3. malignant tumor composed of fiber (fibrous tissue)
  3. 4. tending to become progressively worse and to cause death as in cancer
  4. 6. complete set of genes
  5. 7. term derived from a name or place
  6. 10. term formed from the first letters of a phrase
  7. 11. inflammation of the liver
  8. 14. cancerous tumor (malignant)
  9. 17. red blood cell
  10. 18. study of causes (of diseases)