Medical Terminology and Abbreviations
- 2. back lying position
- 4. high
- 5. fast
- 6. at or toward the back of the body
- 7. the part farthest from the center or point of attachment
- 8. the point nearest to the center or to the point of origin
- 12. nothing by mouth
- 14. activities of daily living
- 15. every 2 hours
- 20. at or toward the front of the body
- 22. before meals
- 23. stomach
- 27. right upper quadrant
- 29. at or near the middle of the body or body part
- 30. intake and output
- 31. skin
- 32. urinary tract infection
- 34. slow
- 1. eye
- 3. night
- 4. decreased or less than normal
- 8. by mouth
- 9. oxygen
- 10. away from the mid-line or at the side of the body or body part
- 11. left lower quadrant
- 13. after meals
- 16. bedtime
- 17. urinalysis
- 18. blood
- 19. twice a day
- 21. large
- 24. range of motion
- 25. when necessary or as needed
- 26. heart
- 28. four times a day
- 33. three times a day
- 34. bowel movement
- 35. as desired