Medical Terminology Chapter 2

  1. 1. breathe out
  2. 3. removal of part of the colon
  3. 5. meaning of hist\o
  4. 8. softened brain tissue
  5. 10. meaning of the prefix ex-
  6. 11. resembling a tooth
  7. 13. inflammation within the heart
  8. 15. meaning of chondr\o
  9. 18. pertaining to between the ribs
  10. 20. meaning of emisis
  11. 21. meaning of prefix en-
  12. 22. originating completely outside of
  13. 24. meaning of morph\o
  1. 1. brain tumor
  2. 2. one who studies tissue structure under a microscope
  3. 4. abnormal bone condition
  4. 6. surgical repair of
  5. 7. softening of teeth
  6. 8. inflammation of the brain
  7. 9. enlarged stomach
  8. 12. head pain
  9. 14. incision into a joint
  10. 16. inflammation of the bone
  11. 17. root for joint
  12. 19. inflammation of the larynx
  13. 23. combining form of hernia