Medical Terminology Crossword

  1. 1. scraping or rubbing away of the surface of the skin
  2. 5. a contagious skin disease transmitted by the itch mite
  3. 9. excessive growth of hair in unusual places, especially in women
  4. 12. A bump of bone or tissue that forms at the big toe joint, causing inflammation and considerable pain.
  5. 14. smooth, elevated skin that is white in the center surrounded by redness
  6. 15. Shortening of a muscle, usually because of disease or lack of use, that limits joint movement.
  7. 16. Pain and swelling of the bursa, the small fluid filled pads that act as cushions in or near the joints.
  8. 18. absence of or loss of hair especially on the head
  9. 22. a chronic skin disease with itchy red patches and silvery scales
  10. 23. A small pocket of fluid that develops between the upper layers of skin; often caused by friction or burns.
  11. 24. clouding or fogging of the lens of the eye that may blur or tint vision.
  12. 27. Swelling caused by fluid accumulation.
  13. 29. A person who has rhinitis has inflammation of the__.
  14. 31. a fungal infection like athlete’s foot or jock itch
  15. 34. the outer layer of skin that forms a protective covering for the body Has no nerves or vessels
  16. 36. Pertaining to the heart and blood vessels.
  17. 38. Signifies a condition that begins abruptly and is sometimes severe, but the duration is short.
  18. 40. An accumulation of mucus or of blood in an organ.
  19. 42. Not cancerous.
  20. 43. loss of skin pigmentation “leukoderma”
  21. 44. Unusual memory loss or forgetfulness.
  22. 45. Part of the ear that converts sound into electrical signals that the brain interprets as a particular sound.
  23. 46. One of a class of stress hormones released during the fight-or-flight stress response.
  24. 47. Stiff connective tissue that provides support to other tissues and cushions joints.
  25. 48. a cluster of boils in subcutaneous tissue
  26. 49. Laryngo is a stem meaning larynx or voice box. A laryngoscopy is an examination of the interior of the __.
  1. 2. inflammatory disease of sebaceous follicles of the skin
  2. 3. a collection of pus at the site of an infection
  3. 4. Signifies a recurring, persistent condition like heart disease.
  4. 6. A slow heart rate, usually below 60 beats per minute.
  5. 7. The surgical removal of a limb or other body part.
  6. 8. Severe abdominal pain caused by spasms in the intestines or in a portion of the kidneys.
  7. 9. an elevated collection of blood trapped under the skin “bruise”
  8. 10. a rounded growth caused by a virus “wart”
  9. 11. a closed sac under the skin containing fluid or solid material
  10. 13. the inner layer of skin, rich in blood vessels, nerve endings,
  11. 17. a physician who specializes in treating integumentary disorders
  12. 19. thin tube that is inserted into the body to provide or drain fluids, or to carry tiny surgical instruments and cameras in minimally invasive surgeries.
  13. 20. The clear, thin membrane that covers the inside of the eyelid and the white part of the eyeball.
  14. 21. Broken bone or cartilage.
  15. 23. Ability to maintain equilibrium while stationary or moving.
  16. 25. a hemorrhage underneath unbroken skin
  17. 26. an overgrowth of hardened scar tissue
  18. 28. The large intestine; a muscular tube that is 5 to 6 feet long. It compacts and moves solid waste.
  19. 30. Tiny single-celled organisms. Some bacteria cause disease, although most are harmless.
  20. 32. White blood cells that come from bone marrow, and produce antibodies to fight off disease.
  21. 33. A small airway in the respiratory system that connects to the alveoli (air sacs); a branch of the bronchial tubes.
  22. 35. “blackhead”: discolored, dried sebum plugging a duct in the skin
  23. 37. An immune system reaction (for example, rash, fever, sneezing, or headaches) to something that is normally harmless.
  24. 38. Able to walk; not confined to a bed.
  25. 39. lesion of the skin or mucous membranes
  26. 41. death of tissue resulting from loss of blood supply to an area