Medical Terminology Exam

  1. 2. Cancerous Tumor
  2. 4. Inflammation of joint
  3. 7. Chronic STD caused by spirochete (spiral shaped bacterium)
  4. 8. Two upper chambers of the heart
  5. 10. Rings of muscle control the openings into and leading out of the stomach
  6. 11. Tube leading from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body
  7. 14. A picture of chromosomes in the nucleus of a cell
  8. 15. Flexible connective tissue attached to bones and joints
  9. 18. voice box
  10. 20. Slow heartbeat
  11. 22. The total of the chemical processes in a cell
  12. 24. The process of building up protein in a cell
  13. 25. One of a pair of female organs(gonads)on each side of the pelvis
  14. 26. Simple sugar
  15. 27. Study of cells
  16. 28. Gas that makes up 21 percent of the air. It passes into the bloodstream at the lungs and travels to all body cells
  17. 30. Berry shaped bacterium that grows in twisted chains
  18. 32. Cavity in the chest surrounded by the ribs
  19. 33. Inflammation of gland
  20. 34. Two lower chambers of the heart
  21. 36. Regions of DNA within each chromosome
  22. 37. Release of the ovum from the ovary
  23. 39. Process of viewing live tissue under a microscope
  24. 40. Control center of the cell, containing chromosomes
  1. 1. Chemical found within each chromosome
  2. 3. Branch of medicine concerned with pregnancy and childbirth
  3. 5. Windpipe
  4. 6. Membrane surrounding the abdominal organs
  5. 9. Collection of puss, white blood cells, and protein that is present at the site of infection
  6. 12. Before birth
  7. 13. Process of the study of the heart
  8. 16. Cavity surrounded by the skull
  9. 17. Berry shaped bacteria that grows in small clusters
  10. 19. A scientist who studies tissue
  11. 21. Muscle separating the abdominal and thoracic cavities
  12. 23. A flap of cartilage attached to the root of the tongue, prevents choking or aspiration of food
  13. 29. Space between the lungs
  14. 31. An incision into the trachea to open it below a blockage
  15. 35. Low blood cells or abnormality of hemoglobin
  16. 38. Are small masses of lymphatic tissue in the part of the pharynx near the nose and nasal passages