Medical Terminology Prefixes

  1. 2. thick, thickening, thickened
  2. 5. surrounding (outer)
  3. 6. before
  4. 9. all, total
  5. 10. after
  6. 14. normal, good
  7. 15. away from; from
  8. 16. back of the body
  9. 18. beside, beyond, around, abnormal
  10. 19. painful, abnormal, difficult, laboured
  11. 21. above, excessive
  12. 22. on, upon, over
  13. 23. against, opposing
  14. 24. half
  15. 28. closer to the feet
  16. 30. none
  17. 32. two, twice, double
  18. 34. front of the body
  19. 35. many
  20. 38. before
  21. 39. before
  22. 40. distant from the point of attachment
  23. 42. slow bradycardia
  24. 43. large, long
  1. 1. below, incomplete, deficient, under
  2. 3. toward, at, increase, on, toward
  3. 4. through, across, beyond
  4. 7. father from the middle
  5. 8. closer to the head
  6. 10. close to where the limb is attached to the body
  7. 11. fast, rapid
  8. 12. above
  9. 13. through
  10. 17. closer to or on the skin
  11. 19. through, complete
  12. 20. farther inside the body
  13. 22. within, in
  14. 25. small
  15. 26. closer to the middle
  16. 27. below, under
  17. 29. within, in
  18. 31. between
  19. 33. three
  20. 35. after, beyond, change
  21. 36. new
  22. 37. one
  23. 39. many, much
  24. 40. from, down, away from
  25. 41. together, joined