Medical Terminology Respiratory System

  1. 4. process of recording x-rays
  2. 6. py/o
  3. 9. excessive bleeding from the nose
  4. 11. pain in the chest
  5. 14. instrument used to measure oxygen (levels)
  6. 15. atel/o
  7. 16. poly-
  8. 18. process of measuring breathing (or air flow)
  9. 20. absence of breathing
  10. 23. -cele
  11. 24. surgical fixation of the pleura
  12. 26. incision into the windpipe
  13. 28. aspiration of fluid from the chest cavity
  14. 29. painful or difficult breathing
  1. 1. blood in the chest cavity
  2. 2. rapid breathing
  3. 3. removal of the tonsils
  4. 5. condition of the absence of voice
  5. 7. instrument used to visually examine within (the body)
  6. 8. abnormal condition (diseased state) of the lung
  7. 10. phren/o
  8. 12. abnormally low oxygen in the blood
  9. 13. somn/o
  10. 17. dilation of the bronchi
  11. 19. abnormal condition of fungus in the nose
  12. 21. instrument used to measure carbon dioxide (levels)
  13. 22. inflammation of the voicebox
  14. 25. surgical repair of the nose
  15. 27. -algia