Medical Terminology Respiratory System
- 4. process of recording x-rays
- 6. py/o
- 9. excessive bleeding from the nose
- 11. pain in the chest
- 14. instrument used to measure oxygen (levels)
- 15. atel/o
- 16. poly-
- 18. process of measuring breathing (or air flow)
- 20. absence of breathing
- 23. -cele
- 24. surgical fixation of the pleura
- 26. incision into the windpipe
- 28. aspiration of fluid from the chest cavity
- 29. painful or difficult breathing
- 1. blood in the chest cavity
- 2. rapid breathing
- 3. removal of the tonsils
- 5. condition of the absence of voice
- 7. instrument used to visually examine within (the body)
- 8. abnormal condition (diseased state) of the lung
- 10. phren/o
- 12. abnormally low oxygen in the blood
- 13. somn/o
- 17. dilation of the bronchi
- 19. abnormal condition of fungus in the nose
- 21. instrument used to measure carbon dioxide (levels)
- 22. inflammation of the voicebox
- 25. surgical repair of the nose
- 27. -algia