Medical Terminology Thinking

  1. 4. abbreviation formed from the first letter of a word
  2. 5. specialist in the study of the heart
  3. 9. care and treatment of children
  4. 11. study of the function in a living organism
  5. 12. medical specialty
  6. 14. pertaining to urine
  7. 17. word contains more than one root
  8. 19. kneecap
  9. 20. study and treatment of the skin
  10. 23. plural ending for phalanx
  11. 25. word part at the beginning of the word
  1. 1. pertaining to respiration
  2. 2. study and treatment of the aged
  3. 3. suffix for the meaning "study of"
  4. 6. the study of body structure
  5. 7. increased urination
  6. 8. study of the mind
  7. 10. pertaining to the diet
  8. 13. loss of sensation
  9. 15. study of the nervous system
  10. 16. pertaining to the heart
  11. 18. female reproductive cell; egg
  12. 21. fundamental unit of a word
  13. 22. plural ending for vertebra
  14. 24. word part at the end of a root