Medical Terminology Words

  1. 3. Pertaining to the neck
  2. 6. Inflammation of the stomach & small intestine
  3. 8. Pertaining to the heart
  4. 9. Removal of the tonsils
  5. 13. Surgical repair of the nose
  6. 14. Pertaining to the esophagus
  7. 15. Incision into the bone
  8. 16. Softening of the cartilage
  9. 17. Pain in the heart
  10. 18. Suture of the spleen
  11. 20. tracheaor windpipe
  12. 22. Tumor of a bone
  13. 23. Small artery
  14. 25. Process of recording the breast
  15. 28. Structure within the heart
  16. 29. Process of no development
  17. 31. Bursting forth of blood
  18. 32. Pertaining to under the skin
  19. 33. Enlargement of the spleen
  20. 35. Process of measuring breathing
  21. 36. Pertaining to valve
  22. 37. Diseases process of the stomach
  23. 38. Process of viewing living tissue
  1. 1. Herniation of the bladder
  2. 2. Abnormal condition of the mind
  3. 4. Pertaining to the heart
  4. 5. Pertaining to below the skin
  5. 7. hardening of an artery
  6. 10. Structure under the skin
  7. 11. Pain in the head
  8. 12. New opening of the colon or large intestine
  9. 17. Ruputure of the bladder
  10. 19. Prolapse of the uterus
  11. 21. Excessive fats in the blood
  12. 24. Discharge from the ear
  13. 26. Small skin(surrounding the nail)
  14. 27. Crushing of the stones
  15. 30. The treament of children
  16. 34. Condition of having no stomach
  17. 36. Small vein